How to NOT drink at a Christmas party

How To Not Drink At A Christmas Party

Sometimes people want to watch how much they drink, give their alcohol intake a break for awhile, or are in recovery. Alcohol served at holiday parties can be a particular challenge. The non-drinking party guest wants to be a part of the group, to join in the festivities, to enjoy the camaraderie of their fellow seasonal revelers, but they want to do it sober. Can it be done? Oh yeah. Millions of people do it every year.

First, if you are in early recovery, or for whatever reason feel particularly uncomfortable about attending a party where alcohol will be served, you can always not go. That’s a real option. People may miss you, but it’s a lot better than jeopardizing some hard-won sobriety.Second, know that at most parties most people do not get drunk. Lots of people will only have one. Some people will not drink at all. If you’re a heavy drinker, I bet you never noticed that before. If you decide not to drink at a Christmas party, you will probably not be the only one.Let’s say you’re a former heavy drinker who wants to do the holidays sober, or are alcoholic in recovery, and will be attending a festive party where beer, wine, and spirits will be offered. Here are some tips. You can do them all:

1) Go with someone, or meet them there, who knows your intention to not drink.

2) Have an escape plan. For example, drive your own car to the event. If you have to leave, just leave. It’s not a big deal.

3) When asked what you want to drink, say soda or diet coke or sprite or whatever soft drink. Keep that drink in your hand throughout the evening.

4) If someone asks why you’re not drinking, which may not happen because most people won’t notice, just say “Not this evening.”

5) Have a great time. Smile. If this is your first Christmas party sober, you will most likely be surprised how much you’ve missed by drinking in the past.

And one last bit of advice: If you still want to put a lampshade on your head, go ahead. It’s actually more fun sober.

Have a great holiday season and check out our blog for more content!